Virtual Assessments

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shapeWhat We Do
  • Knowledge is Power
  • We arm you with the insights you need to gain greater control over your environment, budget, and ultimately, your health.

  • Tailored Analysis
  • We delve into your specific concerns, evaluate your home environment, and analyze lab reports to provide you with a customized assessment.

  • Build Local Expertise
  • Whether training you or constructing a local team, we impart the skills to identify hidden issues like moisture, mold, and inadequate ventilation or filtration.

  • AI-Driven Insights
  • By leveraging AI sensor technology, we collect real-time and accurate Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) data for continuous monitoring and analysis.

  • Guided Approach
  • Throughout the process, we equip you with the information you need to make educated decisions about your home's health, every step of the way.

shapeWhy It Matters
  • Empowered Action
  • Equipped with our expert guidance, you can take well-informed steps to improve your living environment.

  • Efficient & Cost-Effective
  • Eliminating travel from the equation allows us to address your needs more rapidly and economically.

  • Health Hazards
  • Hidden mold, particularly in HVAC systems, can have a significant impact on your health.

  • The Sick Building Syndrome
  • Studies show that residing in a home with environmental issues makes most people feel sick and tired.

  • Cleaner Living
  • A healthier home can significantly contribute to reducing bodily pollutants, enhancing your overall well-being, by reducing an immune response, improving sleep, digestion, and mood.


Virtual Assessment Process at Indoor Environmental Systems Inc.

At Indoor Environmental Systems Inc., our virtual assessment process is meticulously designed to address a broad spectrum of environmental concerns in homes. This comprehensive and client-focused approach is tailored to each unique situation, focusing on issues such as mold, chemicals, particulates, and electromagnetic fields.

Client Interview: The virtual assessment process begins with a detailed client interview. Here, we gather specific information about your environmental concerns. This step is crucial in customizing our virtual assessment to suit your needs.

Scope of Work: From the interview, we create a scope of work. This outlines the areas of your home that will be included in the virtual assessment, ensuring a focused approach to address your particular concerns.

Virtual Assessment Steps:

  1. Home Air Quality: Our virtual assessment process includes a thorough examination of your home’s air quality. We look for potential contaminants like mold spores or chemical vapors, which are critical to your health.
  2. Water Quality: We also assess your home’s water quality. This is essential to ensure your water supply is free from harmful contaminants.
  3. Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs): The assessment encompasses checking EMF levels, a growing concern in modern homes.

DIY Testing Equipment: A unique feature of our virtual assessment process is providing DIY testing equipment. This empowers homeowners to actively participate in assessing mold, chemicals, gases, EMFs, and water quality.

Post-Assessment Services:

  • Detailed Scope of Work: After the virtual assessment, we provide a comprehensive report. This outlines identified issues and suggested remediation steps.
  • Remediation Consultation: Our virtual assessment process includes professional consultation. We guide you through understanding the results and planning remediation.
  • Contractor Vetting: We also assist in finding reliable local contractors for any necessary remediation work.

Additional Offerings: Beyond the virtual assessment process, we offer products at discounted rates. These products are aimed at improving air and water quality in your home, enhancing overall health and comfort.

Conclusion: Our virtual assessment process at Indoor Environmental Systems Inc. is not just about identifying risks. It’s about empowering homeowners and creating healthier, more energy-efficient living spaces. We ensure that your home is not only a residence but a sanctuary of health and well-being.

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