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By Steve Mcleod June 30, 2024

Testing for Endotoxins and Actinomycetes: The Importance for CIRS Patience

Understanding the Benefits of Testing for Actinomycetes and Endotoxins for CIRS-Sensitized People

To effectively address your symptoms and provide a comprehensive evaluation of your environment and health, we recommend testing for both actinomycetes (actino) and endotoxins. These tests are particularly important if you are experiencing crossover symptoms caused by the presence of these contaminants. Here’s why testing for both is crucial:

Identifying Sources of Inflammation

Actinomycetes are gram-positive bacteria that can be pathogenic and cause an immune response. While they do not release endotoxins, their presence can still lead to significant health issues. Testing for both actinomycetes and endotoxins created by gram-negative bacteria provides a comprehensive evaluation of biotoxin health risks, identifying the presence of both types of inflammatory agents.

Comprehensive Environmental Assessment

Testing your home’s dust for both actinomycetes and endotoxins helps us understand the biotoxin contamination level in your environment. This “stacked” assessment allows for targeted remediation strategies to reduce exposure. If no symptoms are evident, current cleaning practices, moisture levels, and humidity may be sufficient. However, if symptoms are present, knowing the types and sources of bacterial contamination is critical for effective remediation.

Benefits of Dual Testing

Holistic Understanding: By testing for both actinomycetes and endotoxins, you gain a comprehensive understanding of your indoor environment. Actinomycetes can exist in drier conditions, while endotoxins are typically found in moist environments. Testing for both provides insight into bacterial health risks across different microclimates.

Targeted Remediation: Knowing specific contaminants allows for targeted remediation. Improving humidity control, ventilation, and cleaning procedures, or employing professional remediation services, ensures the most effective strategies.

Health Risk Mitigation: Identifying both pathogenic and endotoxin inflammatory agents helps mitigate health risks. Understanding contamination extent leads to better health outcomes, especially for individuals with respiratory issues, chronic fatigue, or other CIRS-related symptoms.

Testing for actinomycetes and endotoxins is essential for those sensitized to CIRS, providing a thorough assessment and aiding in the development of effective remediation strategies to improve indoor air quality and health.


Testing for actinomycetes and endotoxins provides a detailed picture of your home’s microbial environment. This dual approach ensures that both dry and moist areas are analyzed, helping you take informed steps to improve your indoor air quality and reduce health risks.

Comparing Human and Environmental Samples

By sampling both your skin and sinuses, along with house dust, we can compare the presence of endotoxins and actinomycetes in your body with those in your environment. This comparison helps us determine if your symptoms are related to your home’s contaminants or if there are other factors at play.

Recommended Locations for Actinomycetes Skin Sampling

According to Dr. Shoemaker and EnviroBiomics, recommended locations for actinomycetes skin sampling include areas with high concentrations of sebaceous glands and oil glands. These areas are prone to harboring actinomycetes due to their moist and oily nature. Specifically, the following locations are ideal for sampling:

  • Face: Especially the forehead, nose, and chin, where sebaceous glands are most active.
  • Scalp: Rich in sebaceous glands, making it a prime area for sampling.
  • Upper Back and Chest: These areas also have a significant number of sebaceous glands, providing useful samples.

These locations are effective for detecting actinomycetes and understanding their presence and impact on your health. For more information, you can refer to Dr. Shoemaker’s detailed explanations on Surviving Mold – Actino Central.

Nasal Pharynx Testing for Actinomycetes

Dr. Shoemaker emphasizes the importance of nasal pharynx testing for actinomycetes as part of diagnosing Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS). This type of testing is crucial because actinomycetes can colonize the nasal passages, leading to chronic sinus infections and other inflammatory responses. Nasal cultures help identify pathogenic organisms and their antibiotic resistance patterns, guiding effective treatments to eradicate the infection and reduce inflammation.

Crossover Symptoms of Endotoxins and Actinomycetes

Exposure to environmental toxins causing confusion
  • Chronic cough, wheezing, and shortness of breath
  • Persistent fatigue, brain fog, and difficulty concentrating
  • Rashes, itching, and skin lesions

Testing Options for Endotoxins and Actinomycetes

Actino Testing:

  • Actino Skin: Tests for 5 toxic species.
  • Actino Nasopharynx: Tests for toxins-producing species in the sinuses.
  • Actino Environmental Dust: Tests for actinomycetes in house dust.

Endotoxin Testing:

  • Endotoxin (LAL) Test: Measures endotoxin levels.

Total Cost for All Four Tests Has a Discounted Consultation Cost.



The premise of why we test is to determine if the current level of exposure is below the threshold that triggers an immune response. If not, we can continue to adjust our behaviors and remediation efforts to reach that critical baseline so that recovery and improved health can begin to occur. Testing for endotoxins and actinomycetes, along with sampling your skin and sinuses, provides a comprehensive view of your exposure and helps us develop an effective plan to address your symptoms. This holistic approach ensures that we consider both environmental and biological factors, ultimately leading to better health outcomes.

Please let us know if you have any questions or need further information.

Sincerely, Steve McLeod

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